Sorry we couldn't find a place named S Saint Paul in Minnesota. Please check the list below for valid places in Minnesota.
Click County Name for detailed Statistics | Population | Anoka County | 330,844 | Becker County | 32,504 | Beltrami County | 44,442 | Benton County | 38,451 | Big Stone County | 5,269 | Blue Earth County | 64,013 | Brown County | 25,893 | Carlton County | 35,386 | Carver County | 91,042 | Cass County | 28,567 | Chippewa County | 12,441 | Chisago County | 53,887 | Clay County | 58,999 | Clearwater County | 8,695 | Cook County | 5,176 | Cottonwood County | 11,687 | Crow Wing County | 62,500 | Dakota County | 398,552 | Dodge County | 20,087 | Douglas County | 36,009 | Faribault County | 14,553 | Fillmore County | 20,866 | Freeborn County | 31,255 | Goodhue County | 46,183 | Grant County | 6,018 | Hennepin County | 1,152,425 | Houston County | 19,027 | Hubbard County | 20,428 | Isanti County | 37,816 | Itasca County | 45,058 | Jackson County | 10,266 | Kanabec County | 16,239 | Kandiyohi County | 42,239 | Kittson County | 4,552 | Koochiching County | 13,311 | Lac qui Parle County | 7,259 | Lake County | 10,866 | Lake of the Woods County | 4,045 | Le Sueur County | 27,703 | Lincoln County | 5,896 | Lyon County | 25,857 | Mahnomen County | 5,413 | Marshall County | 9,439 | Martin County | 20,840 | McLeod County | 36,651 | Meeker County | 23,300 | Mille Lacs County | 26,097 | Morrison County | 33,198 | Mower County | 39,163 | Murray County | 8,725 | Nicollet County | 32,727 | Nobles County | 21,378 | Norman County | 6,852 | Olmsted County | 144,248 | Otter Tail County | 57,303 | Pennington County | 13,930 | Pine County | 29,750 | Pipestone County | 9,596 | Polk County | 31,600 | Pope County | 10,995 | Ramsey County | 508,640 | Red Lake County | 4,089 | Redwood County | 16,059 | Renville County | 15,730 | Rice County | 64,142 | Rock County | 9,687 | Roseau County | 15,629 | Scott County | 129,928 | Sherburne County | 88,499 | Sibley County | 15,226 | St Louis County | 200,226 | Stearns County | 150,642 | Steele County | 36,576 | Stevens County | 9,726 | Swift County | 9,783 | Todd County | 24,895 | Traverse County | 3,558 | Wabasha County | 21,676 | Wadena County | 13,843 | Waseca County | 19,136 | Washington County | 238,136 | Watonwan County | 11,211 | Wilkin County | 6,576 | Winona County | 51,461 | Wright County | 124,700 | Yellow Medicine County | 10,438 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Ada | 1,707 | Adams | 787 | Adrian | 1,209 | Afton | 2,886 | Aitkin | 2,165 | Akeley | 432 | Albany | 2,561 | Albert Lea | 18,016 | Alberta | 103 | Albertville | 7,044 | Alden | 661 | Alexandria | 11,070 | Alpha | 116 | Altura | 493 | Alvarado | 363 | Amboy | 534 | Andover | 30,598 | Annandale | 3,228 | Anoka | 17,142 | Apple Valley | 49,084 | Appleton | 1,412 | Arden Hills | 9,552 | Argyle | 639 | Arlington | 2,233 | Arnold | 2,960 | Ashby | 446 | Askov | 364 | Atwater | 1,133 | Audubon | 519 | Aurora | 1,682 | Austin | 24,718 | Avoca | 147 | Avon | 1,396 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Babbitt | 1,475 | Backus | 250 | Badger | 375 | Bagley | 1,392 | Balaton | 643 | Ball Club | 342 | Barnesville | 2,563 | Barnum | 613 | Barrett | 415 | Battle Lake | 875 | Baudette | 1,106 | Baxter | 7,610 | Bayport | 3,471 | Beardsley | 233 | Beaver Bay | 181 | Beaver Creek | 297 | Becker | 4,538 | Belgrade | 740 | Belle Plaine | 6,661 | Bellechester | 175 | Bellingham | 168 | Beltrami | 107 | Belview | 384 | Bemidji | 13,431 | Bena | 116 | Benson | 3,240 | Bertha | 497 | Bethel | 466 | Big Falls | 236 | Big Lake | 443 | Big Lake | 10,060 | Bigelow | 235 | Bigfork | 446 | Bingham Lake | 126 | Birchwood Village | 870 | Bird Island | 1,042 | Biscay | 113 | Biwabik | 969 | Blackduck | 785 | Blaine | 57,186 | Blomkest | 157 | Blooming Prairie | 1,996 | Bloomington | 82,893 | Blue Earth | 3,353 | Bluffton | 207 | Bock | 106 | Borup | 110 | Bovey | 804 | Bowlus | 290 | Boyd | 175 | Braham | 1,793 | Brainerd | 13,590 | Brandon | 489 | Breckenridge | 3,386 | Breezy Point | 2,346 | Brewster | 473 | Bricelyn | 365 | Brook Park | 139 | Brooklyn Center | 30,104 | Brooklyn Park | 75,781 | Brooks | 141 | Brookston | 141 | Brooten | 743 | Browerville | 790 | Browns Valley | 589 | Brownsdale | 676 | Brownsville | 466 | Brownton | 762 | Bruno | 102 | Buckman | 270 | Buffalo | 15,453 | Buffalo Lake | 733 | Buhl | 1,000 | Burnsville | 60,306 | Burtrum | 144 | Butterfield | 586 | Byron | 4,914 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Caledonia | 2,868 | Callaway | 234 | Calumet | 367 | Cambridge | 8,111 | Campbell | 158 | Canby | 1,795 | Cannon Falls | 4,083 | Canton | 346 | Carlos | 502 | Carlton | 862 | Carver | 3,724 | Cass Lake | 770 | Center City | 628 | Centerville | 3,792 | Ceylon | 369 | Champlin | 23,089 | Chandler | 270 | Chanhassen | 22,952 | Chaska | 23,770 | Chatfield | 2,779 | Chickamaw Beach | 114 | Chisago City | 4,967 | Chisholm | 4,976 | Chokio | 400 | Circle Pines | 4,918 | Clara City | 1,360 | Claremont | 548 | Clarissa | 681 | Clarkfield | 863 | Clarks Grove | 706 | Clear Lake | 545 | Clearbrook | 518 | Clearwater | 1,735 | Clements | 153 | Cleveland | 719 | Climax | 267 | Clinton | 449 | Clitherall | 112 | Clontarf | 164 | Cloquet | 12,124 | Coates | 161 | Cohasset | 2,698 | Cokato | 2,694 | Cold Spring | 4,025 | Coleraine | 1,970 | Cologne | 1,519 | Columbia Heights | 19,496 | Columbus | 3,914 | Comfrey | 382 | Conger | 146 | Cook | 574 | Coon Rapids | 61,476 | Corcoran | 5,379 | Cosmos | 473 | Cottage Grove | 34,589 | Cottonwood | 1,212 | Courtland | 611 | Cromwell | 234 | Crookston | 7,891 | Crosby | 2,386 | Crosslake | 2,141 | Crystal | 22,151 | Currie | 233 | Cuyuna | 332 | Cyrus | 288 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Dakota | 323 | Dalton | 253 | Danube | 505 | Darfur | 108 | Darwin | 350 | Dassel | 1,469 | Dawson | 1,540 | Dayton | 4,671 | De Graff | 115 | Deephaven | 3,642 | Deer Creek | 322 | Deer River | 930 | Deerwood | 532 | Delano | 5,464 | Delavan | 179 | Dellwood | 1,063 | Dennison | 212 | Dent | 192 | Detroit Lakes | 8,569 | Dexter | 341 | Dilworth | 4,024 | Dodge Center | 2,670 | Donnelly | 241 | Dover | 735 | Duluth | 86,265 | Dumont | 100 | Dundas | 1,367 | Dunnell | 167 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Eagan | 64,206 | Eagle Bend | 535 | Eagle Lake | 2,422 | East Bethel | 11,626 | East Grand Forks | 8,601 | East Gull Lake | 1,004 | Easton | 199 | Echo | 278 | Eden Prairie | 60,797 | Eden Valley | 1,042 | Edgerton | 1,189 | Edina | 47,941 | Effie | 123 | Eitzen | 243 | Elba | 152 | Elbow Lake | 1,176 | Elgin | 1,089 | Elizabeth | 173 | Elk River | 22,974 | Elko New Market | 4,110 | Elkton | 141 | Ellendale | 691 | Ellsworth | 463 | Elmdale | 116 | Elmore | 663 | Elrosa | 211 | Ely | 3,460 | Elysian | 652 | Emily | 813 | Emmons | 391 | Erhard | 148 | Erskine | 503 | Esko | 1,869 | Evansville | 612 | Eveleth | 3,718 | Excelsior | 2,188 | Eyota | 1,977 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Fairfax | 1,235 | Fairhaven | 358 | Fairmont | 10,666 | Falcon Heights | 5,321 | Faribault | 23,352 | Farmington | 21,086 | Federal Dam | 110 | Felton | 177 | Fergus Falls | 13,138 | Fertile | 842 | Fifty Lakes | 387 | Finland | 195 | Finlayson | 315 | Fisher | 435 | Flensburg | 225 | Floodwood | 528 | Foley | 2,603 | Forada | 185 | Forest Lake | 18,375 | Foreston | 533 | Fosston | 1,527 | Fountain | 410 | Foxhome | 116 | Franklin | 510 | Frazee | 1,350 | Freeborn | 297 | Freeport | 632 | Fridley | 27,208 | Frontenac | 282 | Frost | 198 | Fulda | 1,318 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Garden City | 255 | Garfield | 354 | Garrison | 210 | Garvin | 135 | Gary | 214 | Gaylord | 2,305 | Gem Lake | 393 | Geneva | 555 | Georgetown | 129 | Ghent | 370 | Gibbon | 772 | Gilbert | 1,799 | Gilman | 224 | Glencoe | 5,631 | Glenville | 643 | Glenwood | 2,564 | Glyndon | 1,394 | Golden Valley | 20,371 | Gonvick | 282 | Good Thunder | 583 | Goodhue | 1,176 | Goodridge | 132 | Goodview | 4,036 | Graceville | 577 | Granada | 303 | Grand Marais | 1,351 | Grand Meadow | 1,139 | Grand Rapids | 10,869 | Granite Falls | 2,897 | Grant | 4,096 | Grasston | 158 | Green Isle | 559 | Greenbush | 719 | Greenfield | 2,777 | Greenwald | 222 | Greenwood | 688 | Grey Eagle | 348 | Grove City | 635 | Grygla | 221 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Hackensack | 313 | Hallock | 981 | Halstad | 597 | Ham Lake | 15,296 | Hamburg | 513 | Hammond | 132 | Hampton | 689 | Hancock | 765 | Hanley Falls | 304 | Hanover | 2,938 | Hanska | 402 | Harding | 125 | Hardwick | 198 | Harmony | 1,020 | Harris | 1,132 | Hartland | 315 | Hastings | 22,172 | Hawley | 2,067 | Hayfield | 1,340 | Hayward | 250 | Hector | 1,151 | Heidelberg | 122 | Henderson | 886 | Hendricks | 713 | Hendrum | 307 | Henning | 802 | Herman | 437 | Hermantown | 9,414 | Heron Lake | 698 | Hewitt | 266 | Hibbing | 16,361 | Hill City | 633 | Hills | 686 | Hilltop | 744 | Hinckley | 1,800 | Hitterdal | 201 | Hoffman | 681 | Hokah | 580 | Holdingford | 708 | Holland | 187 | Hollandale | 303 | Homer | 181 | Hopkins | 17,591 | Houston | 979 | Howard Lake | 1,962 | Hoyt Lakes | 2,017 | Hugo | 13,332 | Hutchinson | 14,178 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | La Crescent | 4,830 | La Prairie | 665 | Lafayette | 504 | Lake Benton | 683 | Lake Bronson | 229 | Lake City | 5,063 | Lake Crystal | 2,549 | Lake Elmo | 8,069 | Lake George | 230 | Lake Henry | 103 | Lake Lillian | 238 | Lake Park | 783 | Lake Shore | 1,004 | Lake St Croix Beach | 1,051 | Lake Wilson | 251 | Lakefield | 1,694 | Lakeland | 1,796 | Lakeland Shores | 311 | Lakeville | 55,954 | Lamberton | 824 | Lancaster | 340 | Landfall | 686 | Lanesboro | 754 | Lansing | 181 | Laporte | 111 | Lastrup | 104 | Lauderdale | 2,379 | Le Center | 2,499 | Le Roy | 929 | Le Sueur | 4,058 | Leota | 209 | Lester Prairie | 1,730 | Lewiston | 1,620 | Lewisville | 250 | Lexington | 2,049 | Lilydale | 623 | Lindstrom | 4,442 | Lino Lakes | 20,216 | Lismore | 227 | Litchfield | 6,726 | Little Canada | 9,773 | Little Falls | 8,343 | Little Rock | 1,208 | Littlefork | 647 | Long Beach | 335 | Long Lake | 1,768 | Long Prairie | 3,458 | Longville | 156 | Lonsdale | 3,674 | Loretto | 650 | Lowry | 299 | Lucan | 191 | Lutsen | 190 | Luverne | 4,745 | Lyle | 551 | Lynd | 448 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Mabel | 780 | Madelia | 2,308 | Madison | 1,551 | Madison Lake | 1,017 | Magnolia | 222 | Mahnomen | 1,214 | Mahnomen | 239 | Mahtomedi | 7,676 | Mahtowa | 370 | Mankato | 39,309 | Mantorville | 1,197 | Maple Grove | 61,567 | Maple Lake | 2,059 | Maple Plain | 1,768 | Mapleton | 1,756 | Mapleview | 176 | Maplewood | 38,018 | Marble | 701 | Marietta | 162 | Marine on St Croix | 689 | Marshall | 13,680 | Martin Lake | 933 | Mayer | 1,749 | Maynard | 366 | Mazeppa | 842 | McGregor | 391 | McIntosh | 625 | McKinley | 128 | Meadowlands | 134 | Medford | 1,239 | Medicine Lake | 371 | Medina | 4,892 | Meire Grove | 179 | Melrose | 3,598 | Menahga | 1,306 | Mendota | 198 | Mendota Heights | 11,071 | Mentor | 153 | Merrifield | 140 | Middle River | 303 | Miesville | 125 | Milaca | 2,946 | Milan | 369 | Millerville | 106 | Millville | 182 | Milroy | 252 | Miltona | 424 | Minneapolis | 382,578 | Minneiska | 111 | Minneota | 1,392 | Minnesota City | 204 | Minnesota Lake | 687 | Minnetonka | 49,734 | Minnetonka Beach | 539 | Minnetrista | 6,384 | Montevideo | 5,383 | Montgomery | 2,956 | Monticello | 12,759 | Montrose | 2,847 | Moorhead | 38,065 | Moose Lake | 2,751 | Mora | 3,571 | Morgan | 896 | Morris | 5,286 | Morristown | 987 | Morton | 411 | Motley | 671 | Mound | 9,052 | Mounds View | 12,155 | Mountain Iron | 2,869 | Mountain Lake | 2,104 | Murdock | 278 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Nashwauk | 983 | Naytahwaush | 578 | Nelson | 187 | Nerstrand | 295 | Nett Lake | 284 | Nevis | 390 | New Auburn | 456 | New Brighton | 21,456 | New Germany | 372 | New Hope | 20,339 | New London | 1,251 | New Munich | 320 | New Prague | 7,321 | New Richland | 1,203 | New Trier | 112 | New Ulm | 13,522 | New York Mills | 1,199 | Newfolden | 368 | Newport | 3,435 | Nicollet | 1,093 | Nisswa | 1,971 | North Branch | 10,125 | North Mankato | 13,394 | North Oaks | 4,469 | North St Paul | 11,460 | Northfield | 20,007 | Northome | 200 | Northrop | 227 | Norwood Young America | 3,549 | Nowthen | 4,443 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Oak Grove | 8,031 | Oak Park Heights | 4,339 | Oakdale | 27,378 | Oakport | 1,387 | Odessa | 135 | Odin | 106 | Ogema | 184 | Ogilvie | 369 | Okabena | 188 | Oklee | 435 | Olivia | 2,484 | Onamia | 878 | Ormsby | 131 | Orono | 7,437 | Oronoco | 1,300 | Orr | 267 | Ortonville | 1,916 | Osage | 323 | Osakis | 1,740 | Oslo | 330 | Osseo | 2,430 | Ostrander | 254 | Otsego | 13,571 | Ottertail | 572 | Owatonna | 25,599 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Palisade | 167 | Park Rapids | 3,709 | Parkers Prairie | 1,011 | Paynesville | 2,432 | Pease | 242 | Pelican Rapids | 2,464 | Pemberton | 247 | Pennock | 508 | Pequot Lakes | 2,162 | Perham | 2,985 | Peterson | 199 | Pierz | 1,393 | Pillager | 469 | Pine City | 3,123 | Pine Island | 3,263 | Pine Point | 338 | Pine River | 944 | Pine Springs | 408 | Pipestone | 4,317 | Plainview | 3,340 | Plato | 320 | Plummer | 292 | Plymouth | 70,576 | Ponemah | 724 | Porter | 183 | Preston | 1,325 | Princeton | 4,698 | Prinsburg | 497 | Prior Lake | 22,796 | Proctor | 3,057 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Quamba | 123 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Racine | 442 | Ramsey | 23,668 | Randall | 650 | Randolph | 436 | Ranier | 145 | Raymond | 764 | Red Lake | 1,731 | Red Lake Falls | 1,427 | Red Wing | 16,459 | Redby | 1,334 | Redwood Falls | 5,254 | Remer | 370 | Renville | 1,287 | Rice | 1,275 | Rice Lake | 235 | Richfield | 35,228 | Richmond | 1,422 | Riverland | 276 | Riverton | 117 | Robbinsdale | 13,953 | Rochester | 106,769 | Rock Creek | 1,628 | Rockford | 4,316 | Rockville | 2,448 | Rogers | 8,597 | Rollingstone | 664 | Roosevelt | 151 | Roscoe | 102 | Rose Creek | 394 | Roseau | 2,633 | Rosemount | 21,874 | Roseville | 33,660 | Rothsay | 493 | Round Lake | 376 | Royalton | 1,242 | Rush City | 3,079 | Rushford | 1,731 | Rushford Village | 807 | Rushmore | 342 | Russell | 338 | Ruthton | 241 | Rutledge | 229 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Sabin | 522 | Sacred Heart | 548 | Sanborn | 339 | Sandstone | 2,849 | Sartell | 15,876 | Sauk Centre | 4,317 | Sauk Rapids | 12,773 | Savage | 26,911 | Scandia | 3,936 | Scanlon | 991 | Searles | 171 | Sebeka | 711 | Shafer | 1,045 | Shakopee | 37,076 | Shelly | 191 | Sherburn | 1,137 | Shevlin | 176 | Shoreview | 25,043 | Shorewood | 7,307 | Silver Bay | 1,887 | Silver Creek | 256 | Silver Lake | 837 | Skyline | 289 | Slayton | 2,153 | Sleepy Eye | 3,599 | Sobieski | 195 | Soudan | 446 | South Haven | 187 | South St Paul | 20,160 | Spicer | 1,167 | Spring Grove | 1,330 | Spring Lake Park | 6,412 | Spring Park | 1,669 | Spring Valley | 2,479 | Springfield | 2,152 | Squaw Lake | 107 | St Anthony | 8,226 | St Augusta | 3,317 | St Bonifacius | 2,283 | St Charles | 3,735 | St Clair | 868 | St Cloud | 65,842 | St Francis | 7,218 | St Hilaire | 279 | St James | 4,605 | St Joseph | 6,534 | St Leo | 100 | St Louis Park | 45,250 | St Martin | 308 | St Marys Point | 368 | St Michael | 16,399 | St Paul | 285,068 | St Paul Park | 5,279 | St Peter | 11,196 | St Stephen | 851 | Stacy | 1,456 | Stanchfield | 118 | Staples | 2,981 | Starbuck | 1,302 | Steen | 180 | Stephen | 658 | Stewart | 571 | Stewartville | 5,916 | Stillwater | 18,225 | Stockton | 697 | Storden | 219 | Sturgeon Lake | 439 | Sunburg | 100 | Sunfish Lake | 521 | Swanville | 350 |
Click City for detailed Statistics | Population | Wabasha | 2,521 | Wabasso | 696 | Waconia | 10,697 | Wadena | 4,088 | Wahkon | 206 | Waite Park | 6,715 | Waldorf | 229 | Walker | 941 | Walnut Grove | 871 | Waltham | 151 | Wanamingo | 1,086 | Warba | 181 | Warren | 1,563 | Warroad | 1,781 | Warsaw | 627 | Waseca | 9,410 | Watertown | 4,205 | Waterville | 1,868 | Watkins | 962 | Watson | 205 | Waubun | 400 | Waverly | 1,357 | Wayzata | 3,688 | Welcome | 686 | Wells | 2,343 | Wendell | 167 | West Concord | 782 | West St Paul | 19,540 | West Union | 111 | Westbrook | 739 | Wheaton | 1,424 | White Bear Lake | 23,797 | White Earth | 580 | Willernie | 507 | Williams | 191 | Willmar | 19,610 | Willow River | 415 | Wilmont | 339 | Wilton | 204 | Windom | 4,646 | Winger | 220 | Winnebago | 1,437 | Winona | 27,592 | Winsted | 2,355 | Winthrop | 1,399 | Winton | 172 | Wolverton | 142 | Wood Lake | 439 | Woodbury | 61,961 | Woodland | 437 | Woodstock | 124 | Worthington | 12,764 | Wrenshall | 399 | Wright | 127 | Wykoff | 444 | Wyoming | 7,791 |