Population Demographics for Traill County, North Dakota in 2020, 2019
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| Total population in Traill County | | Total Population: | 8,121 | Male Population: | 4,067 | Female Population: | 4,054 |
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| Median age in Traill County | | Both sexes | 42 | Male | 40 | Female | 44 |
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| Population in households in Traill County | | Total Population: | 7,759 | Male Population: | 3,903 | Under 5 years: | 256 | 5 to 9 years: | 238 | 10 to 14 years: | 268 | 15 to 17 years: | 176 | 18 and 19 years: | 92 | 20 years: | 33 | 21 years: | 64 | 22 to 24 years: | 143 | 25 to 29 years: | 203 | 30 to 34 years: | 205 | 35 to 39 years: | 214 | 40 to 44 years: | 232 | 45 to 49 years: | 327 | 50 to 54 years: | 321 | 55 to 59 years: | 320 | 60 and 61 years: | 107 | 62 to 64 years: | 127 | 65 and 66 years: | 61 | 67 to 69 years: | 108 | 70 to 74 years: | 131 | 75 to 79 years: | 98 | 80 to 84 years: | 109 | 85 years and over: | 70 | Female Population: | 3,856 | Under 5 years: | 254 | 5 to 9 years: | 227 | 10 to 14 years: | 236 | 15 to 17 years: | 155 | 18 and 19 years: | 70 | 20 years: | 43 | 21 years: | 50 | 22 to 24 years: | 118 | 25 to 29 years: | 179 | 30 to 34 years: | 191 | 35 to 39 years: | 214 | 40 to 44 years: | 250 | 45 to 49 years: | 266 | 50 to 54 years: | 322 | 55 to 59 years: | 282 | 60 and 61 years: | 93 | 62 to 64 years: | 122 | 65 and 66 years: | 77 | 67 to 69 years: | 127 | 70 to 74 years: | 142 | 75 to 79 years: | 148 | 80 to 84 years: | 140 | 85 years and over: | 150 |
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| Average household size in Traill County | | Total: | 2 | Under 18 years: | 0 | 18 years and over: | 1 |
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| Number of occupied homes in Traill County | | Total: | 3,394 | Family led homes: | 2,150 | Husband-wife family: | 1,838 | Other family: | 312 | Population of male led with no wife present: | 101 | Population female led with no husband present: | 211 | Population of Nonfamily homes: | 1,244 | Population living alone: | 1,062 | Population not living alone: | 182 |
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| Total occupied homes in Traill County with people under 18 years old: | | Total: | 3,394 | Population of homes with one or more people under 18 years: | 936 | Population of family homes: | 927 | Husband-wife family: | 728 | Under 6 years only: | 174 | Under 6 years and 6 to 17 years: | 160 | 6 to 17 years only: | 394 | Other family: | 199 | Male householder, no wife present: | 62 | Under 6 years only: | 14 | Under 6 years and 6 to 17 years: | 10 | 6 to 17 years only: | 38 | Female led with no husband present: | 137 | Under 6 years only: | 37 | Under 6 years and 6 to 17 years: | 20 | 6 to 17 years only: | 80 | Nonfamily households: | 9 | Male led households: | 9 | Under 6 years only: | 1 | Under 6 years and 6 to 17 years: | 0 | 6 to 17 years only: | 8 | Female led householder: | 0 | Under 6 years only: | 0 | Under 6 years and 6 to 17 years: | 0 | 6 to 17 years only: | 0 | Households with no people under 18 years: | 2,458 | Family households: | 1,223 | Husband-wife family: | 1,110 | Other family: | 113 | Male led with no wife present: | 39 | Female led with no husband present: | 74 | Nonfamily households: | 1,235 | Male led householder: | 622 | Female led householder: | 613 |
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| Total number led homes in Traill County, by type | | Total Home Population: | 3,394 | Population of Family homes: | 2,150 | Population of 15 to 24 year olds: | 57 | Population of 25 to 34 year olds: | 284 | Population of 35 to 44 year olds: | 400 | Population of 45 to 54 year olds: | 496 | Population of 55 to 59 year olds: | 261 | Population of 60 to 64 year olds: | 190 | Population of 65 to 74 year olds: | 251 | Population of 75 to 84 year olds: | 155 | Population of 85 year olds and over: | 56 | Population of Nonfamily Homes: | 1,244 | Population of 15 to 24 year olds: | 153 | Population of 25 to 34 year olds: | 124 | Population of 35 to 44 year olds: | 87 | Population of 45 to 54 year olds: | 188 | Population of 55 to 59 year olds: | 96 | Population of 60 to 64 year olds: | 81 | Population of 65 to 74 year olds: | 169 | Population of 75 to 84 year olds: | 211 | Population of 85 year olds and over: | 135 |
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| households in Traill County containing people over 60 | | Total Population: | 3,394 | Population of homes with one or more people 60 years and over: | 1,287 | 1-person household: | 576 | 2-or-more-person household: | 711 | Family households: | 690 | Nonfamily households: | 21 | Population of homes with no people 60 years and over: | 2,107 | 1-person household: | 486 | 2-or-more-person household: | 1,621 | Family homes: | 1,460 | Nonfamily homes: | 161 |
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| homes in Traill County with multiple generations. | | Total Population: | 3,394 | Home has three or more generations: | 36 | Home does not have three or more generations: | 3,358 |
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| Unmarried population in Traill County under 18 years old in homes | | Total Population: | 1,809 | Unmarried partner of home lead present: | 138 | In family homes: | 128 | Population of male led and male partner homes: | 7 | Population of male led and female partner households: | 62 | Population of female led and female partner households: | 7 | Population of female led and male partner households: | 52 | In nonfamily homes: | 10 | Population of male led and male partner homes: | 0 | Population of male led and female partner homes: | 10 | Population of female led and female partner homes: | 0 | Population of female led and male partner homes: | 0 | No unmarried partner of home lead present: | 1,671 | In family homes: | 1,671 | Population of husband-wife family homes: | 1,475 | Population of male lead with no wife present, family homes: | 44 | Population of female lead with no husband present, family homes: | 152 | In nonfamily homes: | 0 |
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| Population in families living in Traill County | | Total Population: | 6,191 | Population Under 18 years: | 1,779 | Population 18 years and over: | 4,412 |
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| How long in Traill County have lived in one place. | | Total: | 3,394 | Population of Owner occupied homes: | 2,443 | Family home: | 1,819 | Nonfamily homess: | 624 | Male led home: | 341 | Living alone: | 281 | Not living alone: | 60 | Female led home: | 283 | Living alone: | 263 | Not living alone: | 20 | Population of Renter occupied homes: | 951 | Family run homes: | 331 | Husband-wife family: | 212 | Other family: | 119 | Male led with no wife present: | 31 | Female led with no husband present: | 88 | Nonfamily Homes: | 620 | Male led homes: | 290 | Male living alone: | 234 | Male not living alone: | 56 | Female led homes: | 330 | Females living alone: | 284 | Females not living alone: | 46 |