Where is Zip Code 30609 map for 2020, 2019Primary Zip Codes for 30609Zip CodePrimary CitySecondary City30609AthensUniversity Of GeorgiaCities sharing Zip Codes with 30609Zip CodePrimary CitySecondary CityMore Information30602AthensUniversity Of Georgia30609AthensUniversity Of Georgia30601AthensAthens Athens population stats 30602AthensAthens Athens population stats 30603AthensAthens Athens population stats 30604AthensAthens Athens population stats 30605AthensAthens Athens population stats 30606AthensAthens Athens population stats 30607AthensAthens Athens population stats 30608AthensAthens Athens population stats 30612AthensAthens Athens population stats Advertisements