What are the Desloge, Missouri Zip Codes for 2020, 2019Primary Zip Codes for DeslogeZip CodePrimary CitySecondary City63601Park HillsDesloge, Elvins, Flat River, Rivermines, Frankclay, Leadington, Leadwood63628Bonne TerreDesloge, Park Hills,Cities sharing Zip Codes with DeslogeZip CodePrimary CitySecondary CityMore Information63601Park HillsElvins63601Park HillsFlat River63601Park HillsRivermines63601Park HillsDesloge Desloge population stats 63601Park HillsFrankclay Frankclay population stats 63601Park HillsLeadington Leadington population stats 63601Park HillsLeadwood Leadwood population stats 63628Bonne TerreDesloge Desloge population stats 63628Bonne TerrePark Hills Park Hills population stats Advertisements